As of this writing it’s been almost fifteen years now, but an idea for a Christian line of science fiction books began to form. As a science fiction fan it has always bothered me that of all the books, movies and television series, evolution was written about as fact rather than what it really is, a theory. But hold on, the story of creation is also a theory. Now before I get those of you who believe in creation upset at me and those who believe in Darwinian evolution or even theistic evolution believing I'm on your side lets look at what Webster says a theory is. From the Encarta Dictionary it says,”
“A theory is a set of facts, propositions, or principles analyzed in their relation to one another and used, especially in science, to explain phenomena.”
Now let’s look at the definition of “Fact”. Here again the Encarta Dictionary states,”
It’s the truth or actual existence of something, as opposed to the supposition of something or a belief about something. Or it’s a piece of information, e.g. a statistic or a statement of the truth such as a piece of information, e.g. a statistic or a statement of the truth.”
“A theory is a set of facts, propositions, or principles analyzed in their relation to one another and used, especially in science, to explain phenomena.”
Now let’s look at the definition of “Fact”. Here again the Encarta Dictionary states,”
It’s the truth or actual existence of something, as opposed to the supposition of something or a belief about something. Or it’s a piece of information, e.g. a statistic or a statement of the truth such as a piece of information, e.g. a statistic or a statement of the truth.”
There is one more definition we need to look at, and that word is evidence. Here again the dictionary states,”
“It’s something that gives a sign or proof of the existence or truth of something, or that helps somebody to come to a particular conclusion.”
"But you say, "What about the Bible, it says..." and I agree, but just as it takes faith to believe in a theory, it takes faith to believe in the scriptures. Faith in the scriptures is not proof that God created, it's something you must take by faith."
I’m not a theologian nor am I a scientist, but a man who has spent more than half his life searching for answers. I know what I was taught, but there are times when we have to take what we've been taught and verify what we've learned both at home and in school to see if it meets a certain standard. Such is the case with creation. To prove either evolution or creationism we would have to produce or reference something that would substantiate with out a doubt what we believe to be the truth, and neither evolution of creation can do that.
Depending on what side of the argument you happen to be on you can bring to the table a lot of what a court might call circumstantial evidence. The Encarta Dictionary says this about circumstantial evidence.”
Its evidence containing or based on facts that allow a court to deduce that somebody is guilty without conclusive proof.”
In this case neither side can produce the evidence needed to prove the other one wrong. By this time I’m sure you’re wondering just which side am I really on? If you haven’t figured that one out go back to the beginning of this article or you can continue on because you’ll soon find out. Over the course of time I plan on giving what I believe is overwhelming circumstantial evidence that disproves the theory of both Darwinian and theistic evolution. When we’re through I hope that many will believe as I do, in a creation that took six days. In my first book, "The Oxbow Report", which I hope you will not only read to enjoy, but will read it with the idea that you just might change your mind, you'll find our characters like us are in search of what happened at creation and where did we come from. First of all I hope it’s a fun read. I hope you enjoy reading the books and getting into the characters and the plots as much as I’ve had in creating them. But throughout the series there is an underlining message and a plot I hope to share, and that will be for you the reader to figure out. In the coming months this blog will deal with a lot of subjects, all relating to who is right. Join me won’t you as we explore the mystery of, “Where did we come from!”
Its evidence containing or based on facts that allow a court to deduce that somebody is guilty without conclusive proof.”
In this case neither side can produce the evidence needed to prove the other one wrong. By this time I’m sure you’re wondering just which side am I really on? If you haven’t figured that one out go back to the beginning of this article or you can continue on because you’ll soon find out. Over the course of time I plan on giving what I believe is overwhelming circumstantial evidence that disproves the theory of both Darwinian and theistic evolution. When we’re through I hope that many will believe as I do, in a creation that took six days. In my first book, "The Oxbow Report", which I hope you will not only read to enjoy, but will read it with the idea that you just might change your mind, you'll find our characters like us are in search of what happened at creation and where did we come from. First of all I hope it’s a fun read. I hope you enjoy reading the books and getting into the characters and the plots as much as I’ve had in creating them. But throughout the series there is an underlining message and a plot I hope to share, and that will be for you the reader to figure out. In the coming months this blog will deal with a lot of subjects, all relating to who is right. Join me won’t you as we explore the mystery of, “Where did we come from!”
One last note, I can only write, but it is you the reader that will make this blog and the books successful
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